Thursday, November 17, 2011

Still morning already like this..........

but there still hope cause there still light at that end....

haaaaahh............look like today gonna rain...........

I cannot go out like this........huhhhhhhhhhhh

The sun set along the road i'm back home........................

Saturday, November 12, 2011



              While innocently goes for the half-price ben-to, Yo Satou find himself collapse on the floor and was send to the hospital. After that he learn that at this place they fight to get the half-price bento. After that he also learn that there are people that call dog and wolf and also, one with the nom guere. The beginner will be call by dog and after that they will be called wolf. If they was strong they with be given a nom guere.

Yo Satou

A Highschool freshman that life away from his parent and participate in the fight for half-price ben-to. He was attack by Sen Yarizui when he goes for the half-price ben-to for the first time.

Sen Yarizui

She was a second year student and also the president and only applicant of the Half-price Food lover Club. After Satou and Oshiroi join the Half-price Food Lover Club, she teach them the rule for fighting the half-price bento. Also known as Ice Witch.

Hana Oshiroi

A freshman and also a member of Half-price Food Lover Club that join together with Satou. Use Sato and Yarizui as the model forr her novel.

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Sunday, November 6, 2011



This story revolve around Ohyama Takeru that are normal but with perveted mind. He got accepted and goes to school that unknown to him. He does not know that the curriculum in that school consist of magic that are used to fight. On the first day he meet his childhood friend (Amaya Haruko), the girls that claim as his fiance (Kushiya Inaho) and the girl who almost kill him (Himegami Kodama). After that he know that student used an item or weapon that function like magic that was called "Maken". This school has a technology that determine one maken type but there are three people that cannot be determine their type of Maken and this include Takeru.The one that still cannot use their Maken are only Takeru not the other two He must wait three month for that technology been upgraded so that his maken can be identified. By knowing one Maken they can easily use it.  How Takeru live in the school that mainly consist of the use of Maken.

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