Sunday, May 15, 2011

Infinite Stratos


Plot Summary:-
           Infinite Stratos short is IS was a weaponized exoskeleton system is a weapon because of the fear it weapon it will be wrongly use, all country has made an agreement to use it as a sport. Unfortunately this IS can only be operated by women. Orimura Ichika was an orphant that raised by his sister, a famous IS operator. One day, when he lost to find the meeting for his, he accidently activated an IS. This became a world wide news because he is the first male that ever activated the IS. The he was enrolled in a school that specialised in piloting an IS. Be an only male in that mean a more trouble that he get.

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Kore Wa Zombie No Desuka?

              Aikawa Ayumu is a normal high school boy when look on the outside. The fact that he is a zombie who live with a necromancer named Eucliwood Hellscythe. Aikawa Ayumu was killed by a serial murder when he coincidentally went to help after he heard a scream. After he was resurrected as a zombie, he wondered around to find the murderer.One day he meet a mahou shoujo named Haruna whos fighting a "Megalo" a monster that wear high school clothes. When Haruna tried erased Aikawa Ayume memory his power dissappear, it was said that Aikawa Ayumu absorb Haruna power. Then Aikawa Ayumu must fight in place of Haruna by becoming mohou shoujo to defeat the "Megalo" while searching for his killer.

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