Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The Painless Knight-chapter 1-The beginning

    "hm....hm.."sound echoed through the room. "hm....hm...." it was heard again when the morning ray hit his eye. Then the figure move a little."shrrr....shrrr..." (sound produce from the blanket being move)

    The figure of the man move by raising his hand.
"huarghhhh.....that a nice sleep".

Tok...tok..The door to his bedroom was knock and then the door is open along with the voice of a little kid " hey ja are you awake, the breakfast is ready, come down before we finish all of it".

"Sure wait a minute, i will go wash my face first and hey kid, the name Jack Einzbern not ja, just jack ok" say the man.

 "Ok jack, but you should hurry before we finish it up" then the kid run down the stair.

 After that I goes to wash my face and then reminisce how I get here (yesterday I come across an old man after few day I walk in the forest on the way to the kingdom of Sura while looking exhausted, the old man help me by given me a place to stay for a night).

   Done with the breakfast I help the old man chop the wood as my appreciation for given me place a to stay. After chopping the wood and taking a rest, I look at the scenery around me.

    It really was a vast area, "the old man must have put an effort to clear this place as it has the place to farm" said me in my heart while looking at surrounding past the vast land to the forest.

    After past noon I begin my journey to the Kingdom of Sura and the old man give me a little bread and water as a supply for my journey adding to that he gives me a gun. The gun is the kind that only shot once and must reload back although the old man only give one bullet because the gun is kind for good luck . According to the old man, his house already on the outskirt of Kingdom of Sura, only two day walk for me to reach the city. This really was a good information because now i can continue without much worry of how long I will take to reach that place and also from that old man house I just follow west then after that I just follow the road to the right to reach there.

    Well along my journey I was mistaken the path would be easier when it almost reach the city because the path was filled with big tree. The tree is not the problem but its root was getting in my way as I was going past it. Not long after that the size of the tree reduce, this mean that I must be getting close to the road. As I though the road was really near.

 "Hm...according to the old man the right side isn't it, lets go a little bit more" as I encourage myself while following the road to the right.

    As I walk down the road, I hear a girl scream and without haste I goes to where the source is by going through the wood. When near the source I sneak slowly to the source and take place behind the tree and then take peak from a tree that I was hiding. There a horse carriage at the side of the road with at least 2 girl and 6 man, one of the man most likely the carriage driver, 2 man on the ground with blood all over them and the other three must be the bandit.  With me there is a crossbow with 4 arrow, a gun, a hidden gun with four bullet, one short sword and one long sword.

    Then I check the position of the bandit, one with the hostage, one at the front of the carriage and other one at the back of the carriage. The distance of the front carriage is near than the hostage.

 "Shot then jump" though me of the plan.

    Then I ready the my long sword along with the crossbow and then shot the one with hostage. The shot goes to the head of the bandit, after that I jump at the one in front of the carriage while attacking with the long sword aiming the bandit head. The bandit block my sword by putting his sword horizontally at his head but I circling my sword with his sword making the trajectory of his sword to the ground and then thrust the sword through the bandit body. After that I release the sword and then grab the gun on my waist with other hand and shot at the opposite direction which the bandit at the back came, hitting his head.

    Feel that there are no other treat I release the hostage.

"Thank you stranger, my name is Angie, her name was Matilda and his name was Brook" explain the girl in the middle who has a long silver hair.

"Stranger will you please kind enough accompany us to the kingdom of Sura because as you can see our guard was killed by the bandit and we do not know if there are more on the road ahead" said the Angie.

    Then I think for a minute, when I look at them for a minute the girl name Angie look like a noble, the girl name Matilda must be the maid form the maid clothes she wear while the man name Brook is the personnel driver because he wear a uniform. Thus from my thought of process.

"Ok...I'm also want to go to Kingdom of Sura. Having a ride there sure give me a comfort than walking there."

" Then you can help me put the dead bodies at the back and you hop with me at the driver seat."

    After we put the dead bodies at the back of the carriage, I seat at the driver seat with Brook. Along the road there is no more bandit and we also arrive at the Kingdom of Sura only half a day.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Sakurasou No Pet No Kanojo

This story revolve around a boy named Kanda Sorata that cannot leave an abandoned cat. In the normal dormitory any pet cannot be taken in because he take in a pet he was given choices between goes to Sakurasou dormitory or abandoned the cat. So he choose Sakurasou dormitory, this dormitory was famous with people that not act like regular people because it house most of the genius in that school. One day, new tenant arrive but this new tenant was too genius in her work that cause she cannot looked over himself without other guidance and because of everyone do not want to take care of this new tenant, they shove all the work involving the new tenant to Sorata

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Baby metal

BABYMETAL - イジメ、ダメ、ゼッタイ - Ijime,Dame,Zettai

 After 2 year of silence from completion....

The song that touch the behavior of majority of human.....

Bullying is no..no...

No more Bullying....this song from dark heroine of j-pop that is baby metal. Ijimi dame brought to you to remove the act of bullying from life because it can distrubt the society.

   This song really get to my feeling...by using slow pace to fast pace and then heavy pace.....it really suit the baby metal group....hope there more song like this from Baby metal came out....

The single will be coming out on 9/1/2013...

Ahhh.... i hope i can buy the single.....
It sure is hard when you life in undeveloped village....fuhhhh

Thursday, December 1, 2011

First Lab CHM 260

the heck use soft drink ........

I rather drink....huhuhuhuhu

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Still morning already like this..........

but there still hope cause there still light at that end....

haaaaahh............look like today gonna rain...........

I cannot go out like this........huhhhhhhhhhhh

The sun set along the road i'm back home........................

Saturday, November 12, 2011



              While innocently goes for the half-price ben-to, Yo Satou find himself collapse on the floor and was send to the hospital. After that he learn that at this place they fight to get the half-price bento. After that he also learn that there are people that call dog and wolf and also, one with the nom guere. The beginner will be call by dog and after that they will be called wolf. If they was strong they with be given a nom guere.

Yo Satou

A Highschool freshman that life away from his parent and participate in the fight for half-price ben-to. He was attack by Sen Yarizui when he goes for the half-price ben-to for the first time.

Sen Yarizui

She was a second year student and also the president and only applicant of the Half-price Food lover Club. After Satou and Oshiroi join the Half-price Food Lover Club, she teach them the rule for fighting the half-price bento. Also known as Ice Witch.

Hana Oshiroi

A freshman and also a member of Half-price Food Lover Club that join together with Satou. Use Sato and Yarizui as the model forr her novel.

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Sunday, November 6, 2011



This story revolve around Ohyama Takeru that are normal but with perveted mind. He got accepted and goes to school that unknown to him. He does not know that the curriculum in that school consist of magic that are used to fight. On the first day he meet his childhood friend (Amaya Haruko), the girls that claim as his fiance (Kushiya Inaho) and the girl who almost kill him (Himegami Kodama). After that he know that student used an item or weapon that function like magic that was called "Maken". This school has a technology that determine one maken type but there are three people that cannot be determine their type of Maken and this include Takeru.The one that still cannot use their Maken are only Takeru not the other two He must wait three month for that technology been upgraded so that his maken can be identified. By knowing one Maken they can easily use it.  How Takeru live in the school that mainly consist of the use of Maken.

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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Tokyo Girls' Style


    Tokyo Girls' Style or in japan "Tokyo Joshi Ryu" is a group that was created by Avex Trax tahat consist of japan girl. This group was created seven years after SweetS. The member of the Tokyo Girls' Style are Konishi Ayano, Yamabe Miyu, Arai Hitomi, Nakae Yuri and Shyoji Mei.


Name: Konishi Ayano
Birthday: 15 Decembner (closed age)
Birth Place: Osaka
Blood type: O

                                                                                                         Name: Yamabe Miyu
                                                                                                         Birthday: 24 June (closed age)
                                                                                                         Birth place: Chiba
                                                                                                         Blood Type: B

Name: Arai Hitomi
Birthday: 10 April  (closed age)
Birth place: Miyagi
Blood Type: O
                                                                                                         Name: Nakae Yuri
                                                                                                         Birthday: 28 June (closed age)
                                                                                                         Birth Place: Osaka
                                                                                                         Blood Type: O
Name: Shyoji Mei
Birthday: 02 July (closed age)
Birth Place: Yamagata
Blood Type: O

Their Song:-


Onnaji Kimochi

Ganbatte Itsudate Shijiteru

Himawari To Hoshikuzu

Love Like Candy Floss

Kodo Himitsu

We Will Win

For more in formation visit official site http://tokyogirlsstyle.jp/index.html

The World God Only Know

The World God Only Know or in Japanes, Kami Nomi Zo Shiru Sekai revolve around Katsuragi Keima whose really love dating sim that make him have all type of dating sim from ps2, xbox, pc and other. On the internet he was called "God Of Conquest" for his lagendary skill to conquest all girl in 2D game. At school he was called "otamegane" from words otaku and megane(glasses) and is considered nothing by his schoolmate but he was a very intelligent student.

One day, keima receive an email that want him to conquer a girl. Keima accept it because he taught that he is invite to a game. After accept it, a demon called Elsie appear before him. Then, he was told that his accept the contract to conquer a real girl that has emptyness in their heart. Because of the emptyness in their heart the demon from that escape from hell has take the chance to reside in their body.At first, Keima refuse to conquer the real girl but when he was told that both of their head will be cut off if he refuse to do, then he began to conquer a real girl by using his experience in dating sim game.

Fate Zero

    This story told on ten years before the fifth Holy Grail in the Fate/Stay Night. The story revolve around seven  master and seven servants that was choose to fight by the Holy Grail in the Holy Grail War. Fate/Zero tell us further of the beginning and the reason of what happen in the Fate/Stay night.

Class: Saber
True Hero Name: Arturia Pendragon

Class: Archer
True Hero Name: Gilgamesh

Class: Lancer
True Hero Name: Diarmuid Ua Duibhne

Class: Rider
True Hero Name: Iskander

Class: Caster
True Hero Name: Gilles De Rais

Class: Berserker
True Hero Name: Lancelot Of The Lake

Class: Assassin
True Hero Name: Hassan-i Sabbah

Character Involves

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Friday, October 7, 2011


Super girl consist of 12 japanese girl that was choose by audition. This audition consist 7000 person and only 99 girl was choose in the beginning. The girl form a team from the remaining people, after that they goes through 40 day of camp to train them in the competition on the 12/06/2010. In this competition either they from different group, only individual performance that they count and 12 girl was choose from all the team. After that, this 12 girl was given the title " SUPER ☆ GiRLS".

THIS girl are:-
Name: Shimura Rika                            Name: Yasaka Saori                          
Birth: 02 Oct 1992                                Birth: 16 Feb 1989
Birth Place: Kanagawa                          Birth Place: Tokyo
Blood type: A                                       Blood type: A

Name: Kanou Kaede                 Name: Akita Eri
Birth: 06 Oct 1992                     Birth: 02 Apr 1993
Birth Place :Saitama Perfecture   Birth Place: Aichi
Blood Type: A                            Blood Type: A


Name: Miyazaki Rina                  Name: Watanabe Hikaru
Birth: 21 Feb 1994                      Birth: 15 Feb 1994
Birth Place: Fukuoka                   Birth Place: Hokkaido
Blood Type: AB                          Blood Type: A
Name: Katsuta Reno                                                            Name: Ryo Arai Akira
Birth: 10 Jul 1994                                                                 Birth: 25 Sep 1994
Birth Place: Hokkaido                                                           Birth Place: Tokyo
Blood Type: AB                                                                   Blood Type: AB       

Username: Mizote                                                                       Username: Tainaka
Birth: 25 Jan 1997                                                                       Birth: 14 Oct 1996
Birth Place: Osaka                                                                       Birth Place: Saitama Prefecture
Blood Type: A                                                                             Blood Type: B-

Name: Maejima Ami                                                        Name: Goto Aya
Birth: 22 Nov 1997                                                          Birth: 05 Mac 1997
Birth Place: Saitama Prefecture                                         Birth Place: Hyogo
Blood Type: B-                                                                Blood Type: AB-

THis is ParT of thEir SonG:-

Sorry if the history that i made wrong cuz i only translate it from video and i don't understand japan. But their song, i can say it get me excited n want me to try harder next time.

Friday, August 5, 2011



Sado Taro is a masochist that feel happy when been torture by girl. Worried about his condition that can prevent him from having normal love, he go to the 2nd Volunteer club that was recommend by his friend to cured his masochist. Isurugi Mio, the president of the 2nd volunteer club force a harsh treatment to help cure Sado masochist.

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Episode 12 Mega

Saturday, July 2, 2011


Carnival Phantasm can be call the latest TYPE MOON project, after the Fate/zero that will be adaptation to anime that will be aired this OCTOBER 2011. It gonna be full frontal comedy series that will be star by the character from TSUKIHIME, FATE/STAY NIGHT, FATE/HOLLOW ATARAXIA and MELTY BLOOD.

The BD released will begin in august and this anime project will be scheduled this summer season.

Same people who did VN and Animes are still gonna voice all character. The sad is the people who only wacth anime gonna have a hard time understanding jokes from the original VN and Fate/Hollow Ataraxia still the only one that is not translated yet.
