Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Baby metal

BABYMETAL - イジメ、ダメ、ゼッタイ - Ijime,Dame,Zettai

 After 2 year of silence from completion....

The song that touch the behavior of majority of human.....

Bullying is

No more Bullying....this song from dark heroine of j-pop that is baby metal. Ijimi dame brought to you to remove the act of bullying from life because it can distrubt the society.

   This song really get to my using slow pace to fast pace and then heavy really suit the baby metal group....hope there more song like this from Baby metal came out....

The single will be coming out on 9/1/2013...

Ahhh.... i hope i can buy the single.....
It sure is hard when you life in undeveloped village....fuhhhh

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